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Posted on - 11/02/2011
  Outlook set up with data card, I am using Outlook 2007 in the office where we have a high speed internet connection. If I disconnect from the LAN, Outlook does not work. When I access my e-mail at home, Outlook Web Access must be opened. I have a Tata Photon+ data card and I would like to connect to it to access Outlook. Does anyone know how to configure Outlook to work with my Tata Photon card?
How to configure Tata Photon and data card to my Outlook 2007?
Hallo Virgie,
For you to be able to download mails from your web server to your outlook server, you need to have an internet connection, and that is why you are not able to use that service when you are disconnected from the LAN.
But to configure your data photo card so that you can use it for accessing outlook, you will just need to use the procedure below:
On the 'computer' icon you will just right click and then select properties.
Next choose the advanced tab in the window that will open and then type the following in the test box: AT+CRM=1.
Once done with that click OK and then restart the computer.
You should be able to use the data photon service after that.
Hope this helps.
Mahesh Babu
How to configure Tata Photon and data card to my Outlook 2007?
Hallo Virgie,
The issue that you are getting is due to the slow internet connection speed you have, for you can see that when you are on the LAN that has a high speed internet connection you can be able to use Outlook without a problem. Therefore, to be able use Outlook without an issue while at home, you will need to do the following:
Get a high speed modem and use it to connect to the internet.
You will need to check which internet subscribers offer high speed internet in your region and acquire a modem as well as a data card from them.
You can also try pinging issues with the current data card that you have right now and see if you can resolve them.