Asked By
70 points
Posted on - 10/10/2011
Qubee modem is to use are so comfortable.
I know it is so fast and very good modem .
Its user are so good to use it. I have installed it few months ago. There are a simple problem
To use it that is sometimes it fails it,s bandwidth. There is no connection are found.
I do notÂ
Know what is the problem it is ?
I need help to prevent this problem .
Answered By
15 points
How to connect internet correctly
Dear I want to tell you about Qubee in a correct way because I himself using it and I am fully satisfied about the Internet connection of Qubee.
If you have any type of problem relating to Qubee network or its connection, you can get the solution of it by configuring the device.
You can resolve it also by refreshing the device. For configuring it please enter the ip address on the top search bar and enter the password and reach at main page.
There please click on the basic settings and go on the configuration to next and enter your username and password and reach to end with relative information.
To use Qubee, visit their website here.
How to connect internet correctly
Modems that are portable or what we call USB Modem are reliable and efficient to use as well except there are some factors that you have to consider also.
The location of where are you using the modem, also the computer that you will plug it in, and most important is how long does it already plugged in.
Solution 1:
After inserting the modem just use it and you can see that as time goes by, the modem will just suddenly speed up.
Solution 2:
Check the signal always of the modem, you might want to change your location if there is nothing or you have a very low signal to receive and transmit.
Solution 3:
Call the tech support of Qubee modem they will always provide you with answers.