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Posted on - 09/18/2011
I want to create a network connection at home on windows XP to connect my laptop with another one in the same room. Can somebody tell me how to configure this kind of connection and if I need specific software for this. I have these connections on both laptops :
How to connect two laptops via wireless connection
You can connect easily tow laptop in a network with wireless connection. But for this you need a medium for connect between two computer. You also need one or two devices as medium for make wireless connection.
There is many way to do this. I am giving an option of wireless connection is Bluetooth devices. We all know what Bluetooth device is and how it works. It is a wireless communication device. You need two Bluetooth devices for both laptops.
Now install driver software for Bluetooth devices in both laptops. Then go to LAN connection setup wizard and configure them for connect with each other.
How to connect two laptops via wireless connection
Looking at the screenshot, it has 4 icons and one of them is "Wireless Network Connection 2". Both computers have these icons, this means that the computers you've got are wireless capable.
Here are my simple instructions when looking at the screenshot posted. But for the benefit of other readers, I will give the steps and instructions in details.
Go to Start, Control Panel then Network and Internet;
Click on Network Connections;
And this screenshot will show;
Looking at it, right click on Wireless Network Connection 2;
Then left click on View Available Wireless Networks in Range;
A list of wireless network will show-up;
Highlight the wireless network/SSID you are connecting;
Type the WEP/Network key and click OK;
The status would change from having red X mark to connected.
But first, you must have a wireless router (D-link)Â at home for you to connect using wireless connection on both laptops.