How to convert the file from vfw to dvd?

It is possible to convert the vfw to DVD file?
If yes, then answered with details and the best tools used for converting the file that can easily watchable on DVD.

It is possible to convert the vfw to DVD file?
If yes, then answered with details and the best tools used for converting the file that can easily watchable on DVD.
Hello James A Watkins,
There are many converters which have the facility to convert VFW file to DVD video files.
DVD video files are different from the VFW video files in frame ration and quality.
Anyway, I am going to suggest you a software that I have also used and got best results.
I am talking about a video converter. Total Video Converter.
This is only video converter which supports all file types as input and output. Means it can import any type of multimedia file and can convert it into any type of multimedia file.
Download the Total Video Converter Here.
Please download the converter from the above link.