How to convert a unix executable file to other format”

Does anyone know how can I convert a unix executable file image to something that I can view on my Mac? Is there any way to convert them?

Does anyone know how can I convert a unix executable file image to something that I can view on my Mac? Is there any way to convert them?
The format "UNIX Executable" isn't actually what they supposed to be. This is actually the format that Mac OS X confuses you without knowing actually what it’s handling with.
Now, the very first step probably is to ask the center of imaging what format of files(digital) are supplied on. You have to ask about the extension of the files. Usually, most medical imaging file format is DICOM or .DCM. The OsiriX of Mac OS X is able to read .DCM files, and a lot of other image files, so that is the place for you to start. And this is free to download.
If you are successful to find out he format of image certainly surely, then you need to rename the image files in order to append the right extension to the name of each file’s. In order to do that, you need to use any renaming tool such as Renamer4Mac. And it is completely free to use and fast.
Hopefully, this answer is helpful, easier and clearer steps to fix the problem.