How to convert word documents to powerpoint

How can i convert .docx word files to .pptx file without changing the contents ? I need a solution with lowest cost

How can i convert .docx word files to .pptx file without changing the contents ? I need a solution with lowest cost
Open the .docx file you want to convert and then, open MS PowerPoint and choose any template you like. Now, start organizing the data in .docx by deciding which parts you are planning to move to each slide. Now, take correct no of slides in MS PowerPoint and choose layouts for each slide you want to make according to the way you want to make those slides. Generally, first slide is designated for title. Next slides will contain texts and put images and diagrams as per as you want.
Now, copy the contents of the .docx file and paste them into the .pttx file made before sometime. You can add images and diagrams as per your requirement for the presentation you are making.