How to convert Word into Powerpoint(.doc to .ppt)?

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

Is there a way to convert .doc into .ppt in MS Office? I want Power Point to show the contents of my .doc file one by one visible as an animation. If this feature isn't available currently then what are the things to be done in order to make it possible?

Answered By 0 points N/A #190102

How to convert Word into Powerpoint(.doc to .ppt)?


1. Open MS-Power Point

2. GO to New Slide at the left hand corner, under Home tab.

3. Click on 'Slides from outline'

4. Your document source will open now. Select and insert your word document.

5. The document content will be entered in the ppt.

For better understanding, check the picture below:-

Further, if you have images in the word document, which you want to convert to ppt., then convert the word document into pdf first and follow the same process.

Hope this helps.


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