How to copy data on hidden USB partition ?

Dear Experts,
I have created a hidden partition in my USB drive. Now I want to copy some data to it. Can anyone guide me how to copy data on hidden usb partition ?

Dear Experts,
I have created a hidden partition in my USB drive. Now I want to copy some data to it. Can anyone guide me how to copy data on hidden usb partition ?
Partition of a computer's HDD or USB drive is in fashion. However it is possible to make partition through command propmet or there must be some other ways as well. However you can't copy the data. for that you need a software. Now 3d party software also available to make this partition manually and copying part.. Again there are 3d party software that will help you step by step. Best part is, There are so many free software are also available for Windows. I'm giving you a link from where you can get the right software with review and features.
Dear Bertha, You can unhide your partition and hide it back from the Disk Management Console in Windows My Computer Properties. First unhide by giving it a Drive Letter and Copy Your Data into it. After completing copying then again unhide it by removing Drive letter following the steps above.