How To Create A Distribution List In Outlook 2010 Using Steps.

Hi. How to create a distribution list in Outlook 2010? Please reply as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.

Hi. How to create a distribution list in Outlook 2010? Please reply as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.
Hi. To learn how to create a distribution list in Outlook 2010, first define the distribution list by clicking on the address book option from the home page. Next, select contacts after clicking the list below the address book. Next, click on new entry in the file menu following which click on the new contact group from the select the entry type option. From put this entry menu, click on in the contacts option to find out where the file will be saved. Click on OK. The distribution list will get saved in the Contacts folder. Then, add contacts to the new distribution list by typing the name of the new contact group in the name box. To add members from the address book, click on the select members option.
Then, click on save and close the distribution list.