How To Create An Exchange Server For Communication Efficiency?
Microsoft Exchange is a server program. It provides protection to business, improves communication efficiency and is stable. How to create an exchange server?
Microsoft Exchange is a server program. It provides protection to business, improves communication efficiency and is stable. How to create an exchange server?
Microsoft Exchange is a server program. It provides protection to business, improves communication efficiency and is stable.
Step 1: After installation of Microsoft Exchange, log in the server.
Step 2: After "Welcome to the Microsoft Exchange Installation Wizard" window will appear then click Next then when you get License Agreement window then choose I agree and then Next.
Step 3: In the Production Identification window, enter 25- digits product key code.
Step 4: In "Component Selection" window under the Action Column, select an appropriate option.
Step 5: In the Installation Type window, choose an option of Create a New Exchange Organization and then click Next.
Step 6: Enter Organization name. Read the license agreement and get agrees with it. Click Next.
Step 7: In Installation Summary, check all your choices. Click Finish.