How to create Macro Excel 2010 MySQL connection?

I have data in MySQL database. From Excel 2010 I want to retrieve those data. Also, every change in the data in MySQL database should be reflected to the Excel automatically. Is that possible?

I have data in MySQL database. From Excel 2010 I want to retrieve those data. Also, every change in the data in MySQL database should be reflected to the Excel automatically. Is that possible?
Here's the solution to answered your problem. Yes its possible. I will give you the link of the site. In this site you will guide how to create Macro Excel 2010 MySQL connection. Please click this link below. Hope it will help .
To do this, you need to download the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver for MySQL. You can find the driver at
After you install the driver, you’ll need to set up a Database Source Name to use with Excel. To do this, open your computer’s Control Panel, go to “Administrative Tools”, then “Data Sources (ODBC). In the top right corner, there will be a button that says “Add.” Click on it. In the dialog box that pops up, scroll down until you see the MySQL OBDC Driver. Highlight it and click the button that says “Finish.” Another dialog box will appear, and you’ll need to give the data source a name. Once you’ve entered the required information, click the button that says “OK.” After this is done, the name of the data source should appear on the list in the ODBC Data Source Administrator window. Once you see it on the list, you can close the window.
Next, you need to open Excel. Click on the tab at the top that says “Data.” On that Data tab, there is a button that says “Connections” (it should be located right underneath the word “Data”). A window called “Workbook Connections” should pop up. Click the “Add” button in the top left corner. A window called “Existing Connections” will appear. Click on the “Browse for More” button at the bottom. A window will appear with several data sources listed. Double click the folder that says “+Connect to New Data Source.odc.” Another window called “Data Connection Wizard” will open. Select “ODBC DSN” and click the button that says “Next.” The Data Source Name that you created earlier should be listed among the data sources. Select it and hit “Next.” Then click “Finish.” You can close the window after this, but keep Excel open.
Still in the “Data” tab in Excel, click on the button that says “Existing Connections.” The same “Existing Connections” window you saw earlier will pop up, but it will now list the data connection you just set up. Select the connection you created and click the “Open” button near the bottom. An “Import Data” window will open. Click “OK” on this window. The MySQL data should appear in your Excel file.
I think you can do this. There are a few ways to do this, one technique is described below:
You have to set up a data source using Microsoft Query:
Click Data-> Get External Data-> From Other Sources-> From Microsoft Query.
Then, do the following:
Databases -> OLAP Cubes (Available when MS Query is running)->New data source->Create new data source
Type a name to identify the data source.
Then, select a driver for the type of database, which is a data source.
Click Connect, and use a unique password for security reasons.
After all the information fields are full, click OK or Finish, and go back to Create New Data Source, and select which table you want.
I hope this helps.