How to create macro in MS-Word 2010?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I install MS-Word 2010 but the macro tool is not working. Is the process of creating a macro in MS-Word 2010 is different from MS-Word 2007?

Best Answer by rajab ali
Answered By 0 points N/A #153699

How to create macro in MS-Word 2010?


Hi Mikee!

Using new software can be so devastating sometimes. I searched the web and looked for related answers regarding your question.

After doing so, I found some tips that can help you with this problem. As we all know, macro is a program that you can write on Word 2010 that is able to automate things (like keystrokes or tasks).

Recording it is the very first step. In the view tab, click the button “Macros” and then start recording. You can also assign a shortcut for it by clicking the Keyboard button.

In this way, you can save time and effort more. After doing these steps, click the button “close”. To stop it from recording, just click the button “stop”. 

It already recorded all the actions you did while you were recording. If you want those actions to be repeated, just hit the shortcut keys that you have assigned while you were recording. That’s it!

Regarding on your question, creating macro in Word 2010 is different from 2007. You need to install some applications before you can proceed. Good luck!

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #153700

How to create macro in MS-Word 2010?


A macro is a teensy program you can write in Word 2010 that automates things, such as repetitive keystrokes or tasks.

You start making a macro by recording it. The process of creating a macro in MS-Word 2010 is given below:

1) In the View tab, choose Macros→Record Macro

The Record Macro dialog box appears. 

2) Give the macro a name in the Record Macro dialog box

Click the Keyboard button to assign a keyboard shortcut to the macro. This approach is easier than choosing the Button option.

3) Type a keyboard shortcut combination.

Most of the good combinations are already used by Word, though many of the Ctrl+Alt+letter combinations aren't. Click the Assign button.

4) Click the Close button.

You're now recording a macro in Word. Everything you do is recorded, from typing text to choosing commands and setting options.

5) To stop recording, choose Macros→Stop Recording.

For saving a macro-enabled document, on File menu, click Save as. From Save as dialog, under Save as type options, click Word Macro-Enabled Template (*dotm). Enter an appropriate name of document and click Save.

6) To play back the macro, press the keyboard shortcut you assigned.

Word repeats all actions taken while the macro was being recorded, playing them back as though you just issued the commands or typed the text yourself.

To review macros you’ve made, choose Macros→View Macros. You can manually run a macro from the Macros dialog box, or you can rename, edit, or delete the macros.


Answered By 0 points N/A #153701

How to create macro in MS-Word 2010?


MS-Word 2010 has the ability to record macros and then to play them back again as often as you wish. It even has a way to add recorded macros to the Quick Access Toolbar.

For those who don't have knowledge on MS Word 2010, macros are a means of recording commands that you can use in Word to do things.

Say for example, if you have a list of words that you commonly misspell, you can record a macro that will search for each word and then you will finds it and you can replace it in a correct spelling.

To record a macro, click on the view option on the main ribbon to bring up the view ribbon. Then all the way on the right there is an icon labeled macros. 

Clicking on the down arrows shows the two options available.  View macros and record macro.

If you click on the record macro…option you'll get a pop-up windows that ask for a name you would like to give your macro and whether you would like to assign the macro to a button or a keyboard combination.

You're also be asked whether you would like to store your macro and  for a little  description of it. 

In cases like that, you'd name the macro according to what you want it to do, like the newsletter format (no blank spaces allowed in the name). 

Also it's best to assign the macro to a button rather than key combination so you won't have to remember what that combo is. Also, you don't have to fill-in the description field if you don't want to.

When you click on the button option, you will be given the customize the quick access toolbar menu when you can assign the macro to the QAT.

Then, you are taken back to where you were in the word, only you should notice that the mouse cursor is no longer what it normally is, instead it has taken on the shape of the tape cassette, which means it recording.  it's at this point that you start doing things you want to record.

You do them by doing them the way you would if you were not recording.

For example, the newsletter format macro, you will click on the page Layout , to get the Page Layout ribbon, then click on the Orientation icon, then choose Landscape, then you choose Columns, and choose three, then click back Home, click on the font box, scroll down to Franklin Gothic and then select it.

At this point, you have recorded everything you want the macro to do, so you click on view again, then click on Macros again and then click Stop recording.  Your macro should be complete.

To run macro, all you did to do is click on a little macro icon in your Quick Access Toolbar, it should look like a little hierarchy picture. 

When you put your cursor over it, it should show you the name.  Clicking on it will cause your macro to run, and of course you can run it from there on in any time you like.

Hope you can have an idea on how to do it. This would help you.

Flor Canindo.

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