How To Create Maps In Excel And Increase Your Knowledge

Hi. I am learning how to use Excel and as a part of my assignment, I need to learn how to create maps in Excel. Can you please help me with the steps? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.

Hi. I am learning how to use Excel and as a part of my assignment, I need to learn how to create maps in Excel. Can you please help me with the steps? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.
Hi. To learn how to create maps in Excel, first create a mapline account. Then, after the account has been created, log into the account using your credentials. Then, click on the option of new map. Next, enter a name that you would like to give to the map and click on the create map option. Then, add the data layers to the map by clicking on its option following which a list will appear containing all the data sets that you have entered on mapline. If there are no data sets present, then you can create new one by clicking on the new data set button. Paste the data from Excel directly in case you are creating a new data set and in the process, include the Excel’s header row so that we are aware about the columns which comprise the information related to your address.
Then click on continue and once you are done creating the map, click on done to view it.
Hope we helped.