How to Create Simple Check-Out with PHP
PayPal is a payment platform. It is allow to accept online payment. Firstly you need to create an account at PayPal.
If you want to receive from the PayPal. You must need PayPal account with valid email address. If you do not have account, You need to register after that you need to configure class in the your ways.
Actually PayPal works as forms. You can create the form based on your service and you need to pass to the PayPal. PayPal prepare the user requirement transaction. There are lots of form is there. You don't worry about thatÂ
Only thing is that you need to call the getCheckOut method and its very simple.
Below is the example of the getCheckOutForm() method.
This is the code to understand how can we check-out from online payment.Â
<form id = "paypal_checkout" action = "" method = "post">
  <input name = "cmd" value = "_cart" type = "hidden">
  <input name = "upload" value = "1" type = "hidden">
  <input name = "no_note" value = "0" type = "hidden">
  <input name = "bn" value = "PP-BuyNowBF" type = "hidden">
  <input name = "tax" value = "0" type = "hidden">
  <input name = "rm" value = "2" type = "hidden">
  <input name = "handling_cart" value = "0" type = "hidden">
  <input name = "currency_code" value = "GBP" type = "hidden">
  <input name = "lc" value = "GB" type = "hidden">
  <input name = "return" value = "http://mysite/myreturnpage" type = "hidden">
  <input name = "cbt" value = "Return to My Site" type = "hidden">
  <input name = "cancel_return" value = "http://mysite/mycancelpage" type = "hidden">
  <input name = "custom" value = "" type = "hidden">
  <div id = "item_1" class = "itemwrap">
    <input name = "item_name_1" value = "Gold Tickets" type = "hidden">
    <input name = "quantity_1" value = "4" type = "hidden">
    <input name = "amount_1" value = "30" type = "hidden">
    <input name = "shipping_1" value = "0" type = "hidden">
  <div id = "item_2" class = "itemwrap">
    <input name = "item_name_2" value = "Silver Tickets" type = "hidden">
    <input name = "quantity_2" value = "2" type = "hidden">
    <input name = "amount_2" value = "20" type = "hidden">
    <input name = "shipping_2" value = "0" type = "hidden">
  <div id = "item_3" class = "itemwrap">
    <input name = "item_name_3" value = "Bronze Tickets" type = "hidden">
    <input name = "quantity_3" value = "2" type = "hidden">
    <input name = "amount_3" value = "15" type = "hidden">
    <input name = "shipping_3" value = "0" type = "hidden">
  <input id = "ppcheckoutbtn" value = "Checkout" class = "button" type = "submit">