Hello Experts,
How to create sketchup company logos?
I am using this kind of sketchup software and wanting to make a company logo can you give me some tips on how can this be done?
Is there any video tutorial from the internet that can easily be followed so that I will be able to get some idea of creating my own design?
Thank you.
How to create sketchup company logos?
Hello Christine,
For creating a sketch up on your computer manually, you need a hardware device which allows you to draw in real time.
Such a hardware device is called a tablet. A tablet is a device that is used to draw real time sketches on your computer likewise you draw on a physical paper with a pen or a pencil.
The tablet consists of a digital slate and a pencil. Drawing anything on the digital slate is captured by the computer connected to the tablet.
Wacom Bamboo it the best tablet available in the market.