How To Create a Table In MS Word
How many rows and columns do you need to create a table for 6 people, containing the headings name, address and a reference number at the top?
How many rows and columns do you need to create a table for 6 people, containing the headings name, address and a reference number at the top?
You will need 7 rows and 3 columns to create a table for 6 people.
But you need not to estimate it first as it will be very difficult for a long data table.
First you can take a table of several rows and columns.
Then you can select your desired rows and columns.
Extra rows and columns may be deleted later. Here is an example:
Heading Name |
Address |
Reference Number |
A |
— |
— |
B |
— |
— |
C |
— |
— |
D |
— |
— |
E |
— |
— |
F |
— |
— |
You can insert table from Insert Menu >Table options.
You can also select the number of rows and columns here.
I hope you understand it.
To create a table for 6 people containing the headings name, address and a reference number at the top, first identify which entry is a column and row.
After identifying 6 people as rows and headings name, address and reference number as columns, open up Microsoft Word and click on the tab label "Tools".
A box labelled "Insert table"Â will appear. Enter 3 for column and 7 for rows and click "Ok". A table will appear in your page. Enter in the title of the columns which are the Headings Name, Address, and Reference Number and along the rows enter 6 people.
Then your problem will solve.
Sample Table: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Headings Name |
Address |
Reference Number |
1.       |
2.       |
3.       |
4.       |
5.       |
6.       |
Hi Gabrielle Bocha and Diana Marie.
Your solutions with examples are of utmost help.
Many thanks for the help!
Now I can insert tables on my papers.Â
Thanks TechyV!
You need to follow the steps. Open the MS word. Click on the table menu. Then keep the cursor on insert. There will appear another list and above all table will be available. Move your cursor straightly to the table and click on the table. There will be a dialogue box named insert table. Number of columns and number of rows both are available under the table size heading.
You need 3 columns and 7 rows. So fix the column number at 3 and rows number at 7 by moving up and down the arrows that are situated at the right side of the box. When the digit 3 will appear in the column box and 7 will appear in the row box click OK.
Then you will see the desired table on the window. If you need to insert more columns just keep the cursor on the upper border of the table where you need the column when the cursor is like a black arrow click and then you will see the column has been block.
Or you can drag the whole column up to bottom where you need to insert column Now right click in the block area and select insert column. A column will be inserted.
Now insert your desired values. In the same way if you need to insert row drag the cursor from left to right of the row where you need to insert more row. When you will drag the row the row will be blocked and now right click in the block area and select insert row. You will see a row has been inserted.
I think you have understood how many rows and column you need and how can you modify the table as you need.
Thank you for a nice question.
Feel free to ask question to thank you for your patience.