How to create timesheet in Excel- Steps to follow.
I am a businessman. I want to create my own timesheet rather than making my employees running behind the timeclock. How to create a timesheet in Excel?
I am a businessman. I want to create my own timesheet rather than making my employees running behind the timeclock. How to create a timesheet in Excel?
Being a businessman you can create your own timesheet in Excel rather than making your employees running behind the timeclock. You can keep track of the employees and their working journey hours.
Step 1: Using a word processor make a document by first writing the name of the business or the company at the top and also the logo if you have.
Step 2: Add lines where your employees can enter their details.
Step 3: In the word processor program, open your spreadsheet.
Step 4: Arrange the days of the week along the left side.
Step 5: At the top of each column, enter the categories such as working hours.
Step 6: At the bottom make the total of the working hours.
Step 7: Make one special column for entering details such as leave, overtime, etc.
Step 8: For the gross pay, multiply working hours by pay rate.
Step 9: Cut this spreadsheet and paste it into word processor.
At the end include the line for the signature of the employee for verifying the list is correct. You can save it and distribute or send it to the employees.