How to create uml class diagram for online exam

I need a uml class diagram for online exams. Is there a tutorial which teaches the users how to make a design in their applications in the form of drawing with php and uml?

I need a uml class diagram for online exams. Is there a tutorial which teaches the users how to make a design in their applications in the form of drawing with php and uml?
Hello Johnson,
To draw a UML diagram there is a lot of free software available. Among them a reliable one is the NCLASS uml designer. Please go toÂ
And download the software. This will help you draw UML diagrams for your exams.Â
Hope it helped.Â
Thank You.
Hi Miss Johnson,
There are many tutorials on the internet that you can look up to.
You can visit this site for a UML guide:
There are also video tutorials that you can also search on YouTube.