How to create/view mpeg-files in Windows/Linux

How can I create/view mpeg-files in Windows/Linux? Where can I encounter models/textures to use in POV-Ray?

How can I create/view mpeg-files in Windows/Linux? Where can I encounter models/textures to use in POV-Ray?
There are numerous softwares that you can download free from online; you can also try Movie Maker if you want. If you are new at this, you will just try to create MPEG-1 or video only.
You can display your result on any MPEG-1 player which you prefer. I am trying to describe to you what you will do to make in making movies, methods on the movie and some tips.
This is the example moves before you make image files:
The process of creating MPEG movies:
Additional/Advanced Tips for Creating MPEG Movies
It will depend on what you want to do with your movie, you might want to play with the Bit Rate specification using the -b option in ffmpeg or the "BIT RATE" line in the mpeg_ encode parameter file. When you will use media convert then the Bit Rate option will be available in the "Video Output Parameters" sub-menu.
You can decrease the size of your movie file by reducing the bit rate. It is recommended that you are playing this movie across the network.
If you are interested to know how to create and or watch mpeg files on your computer, there are many software available for download from the web that will help you create your own video. If you are using Microsoft Windows, you can use Windows Movie Maker to create simple videos.
You can also create simple videos out of the pictures you have collected on your computer. You can use these images to create a simple slide show in Windows Movie Maker then saving it as a video on your computer. Or you can use different video software from MAGIX. They have different products that are for free downloads.
These trial version programs already have a free 30-day trial period giving you the full 30 days to freely use the software. You can download the free trial versions from Magix | Free Download. Here are a couple of the video software you can download for free.