How to deblur image focus out blurred

I am going to deblur image(iris image). and i have no idea.
Please, help me who has source code and knows algorithm to do it.
Thank you.

I am going to deblur image(iris image). and i have no idea.
Please, help me who has source code and knows algorithm to do it.
Thank you.
You can deblur the images using a software known as Unshake which is able to produce good results and you can get it for free for private use.
In order to get the best out of Unshake, you will need to do some trial and error testing in order to find out the parameter settings that give the most acceptable results.
A lot of times, improving is far much better than using simple sharpening filters, for instance those that can be found in digital editing software like Photoshop. It will entirely depend on the nature of the blur in a particular photograph.