How to delete protected files

I want to delete some folders on my computer and laptop, but it is protected. How can I delete those protected files?

I want to delete some folders on my computer and laptop, but it is protected. How can I delete those protected files?
If you are deleting protected files and you are denied by the system to do so you may try the following:
If deleting those protected files in safe mode are not working, you might want to try any of the following third-party software programs:
Other ways of deleting the said protected files are:
You may also check for further reference.
Hello Arkjun,
If the folder that you are trying to delete is protected, you can go ahead and change the ownership of the folder by doing the following:
Another approach to that will be to use command prompt to remove the ownership, you will just need to press your window’s Start button and then type “cmd”. After that you will right click on the “cmd” program that shows up, and then right click and select run as administrator. In the command prompt, you will need to enter the following command: cacls “c:WINDOWS.OLD” /t /g administrators:F