How to disable Hibernate option in computer laptop

Asked By 200 points N/A Posted on -

Can you guys give me a hint and guide on how to disable the Hibernate option?

My laptop is Windows Vista operating system and the reason why i want to disable the Hibernate is for some unreasonable matter but it can irritates me especially when I'm on a rush to shut down the computer Instead I hit the Hibernate and it takes a long period of time before it gets back to the Window.

I am not often using Hibernate option so for me it's a waste of time.

And i think Hibernate is not really an important function so better to disable it.

Bare with me guys thanks

Best Answer by tass0731
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #117449

How to disable Hibernate option in computer laptop


Hi Keeneth,

  • If you are sure that you want to disable your Hibernate option, then click Start and type "cmd".
  • Once the command prompt appears, type "powercfg -h off" and then press Enter. You will not have a dialog box to confirm this, but you can check your shutdown options if the Hibernate option still appears.
  • Another way is to click Start then type "powercfg /hibernate off" then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Then check your shutdown menu again to confirm this.
  • If you want to enable it, just replace "off" with "on".
  • You can also delete the memory storage of the Hibernate option through utilities available on the web (i.e. TuneUp Utilities).


Answered By 0 points N/A #117450

How to disable Hibernate option in computer laptop


Good Day Keeneth,

Your problem is quite genuine while using our notebook then for power saving option it get hibernated. To enable or disable this option in windows vista go to control panel and under power option you will get options as shown in the 1st figure below.

They are different under each power type like if it’s on battery then how should it behave or if plugged in the how should it behaved. Choose options according to your will and save changes made.

Another option to disable hibernate option is shown in figure 2.

While on the cmd prompt you write this command as shown and press enter. Will not give you any caution and will disable your hibernating option.

Replace the word ‘off’ with ‘on’ when want to enable the hibernate settings.



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