How do FTC and FaceBook come to the same point?

I knew FTC and Facebook have agreed to settle their dispute.
What kind of change we are going to see after final signal?

I knew FTC and Facebook have agreed to settle their dispute.
What kind of change we are going to see after final signal?
One thing is for sure : Facebook and other social networks are changing the way modern world operates and "rewriting the rules" of social engagement, as Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg puts it. Mainly Social networks are rewriting social rules for many kind of abuse. After final signal we see the following changes:
1. Different standard regarding you privacy.
2. Apps can pose privacy risks.
3. The vast Facebook biometric database.
4. Employers, insurers and the IRS watch social networks.
5. Privacy advocates urge better protections.
6. How children fare on Facebook are the main changes.
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