How Do I Add Contacts To My Email?
I use gmail and have some pre entered contacts there, even though I have not added them manually. I want to learn that too. How do i add contacts to my email?
I use gmail and have some pre entered contacts there, even though I have not added them manually. I want to learn that too. How do i add contacts to my email?
The pre entered contacts you see in your contact book of gmail are the people who you have sent mails to, in the past. If you want to add a new contact, one way is to send them a mail, and they will be added to your contact list, although they will not show in the contacts bar on the left.
A better way to do the same thing is to go to your contact book and click on “options”. You will see “add contact” there.
Click there and you will get a text box in which you can enter the email of the person you want to add.
Now, to edit their name, you can click on their name in the contact book.