How do I add music to my web page?

Yes, you can add music to play and it is not so hard. Perhaps you just need to know the tag code.
The tag like : <bgsound src="name of the song.mid" loop="5">.
Now something more to know, the tag will play the song for 5 times if you give loop= “1” then it will play the song just one time and if you wish to play the song nonstop then select the loop= “infinite”.
For Internet Explorer or Netscape, you need to tag other way though. I think it is the better way, give this tag
<embed src="name.mid" Autostart=”true” Width=”200” Height=”200” Loop=”true”> .
To add music to a web page, type this code from the web page or just simply copy and paste where the music button appears, then make sure to change the middle name of the music files name and copy this code below:
<embed src="yourmidiname.mid" width=25 height=25 autostart=true repeat=true loop=true>
Edit the code. Then music automatically starts playing in the web page and if you want your friends to open your web page to see wants going on, on your web page simply replace this code this way :
embed src="yourmidiname.mid" width=25 height=25 autostart=false repeat=true loop=true>