I am using Windows 7 operating system. It was working well when I installed this operating system but I am having problem with my desktops brightness. Every day I have to need adjust its brightness while I on my PC. How do I solve this problem?
Mathew Horne
How do I fix my desktop brightness?
The problem is with the graphics adapter. That is you need to see that the VGA device is installed successfully and the graphics card and driver are loaded. The other problem may be with the hardware where the incoming power to the picture tube in case of CRT makes some leakage or mal function. As such the brightness increase and decrease. You may see that some times the gamma component may be slightly changed for the adjustment. All you need to see the driver and the hardware. You must have Motherboard driver software for the graphics for its best visualization. If problem persists, its hardware problem.
How do I fix my desktop brightness?
I think you are just changing the brightness every time you started on your PC and forget to change brightness plan.
If you just click on Charging icon on the task bar and click "Adjust Screen Brightness" then adjust the brightness and come back. This will revert to default brightness every time you start your PC.
You have to do a little bit more. Click on Charging icon on the task bar. Then click on Adjust Screen Brightness. On a new page you should see minimum 3 options like High Performance, Balanced and Power Save. Check the radio button on which power plan you want to use then click change plan setting.
Now adjust the brightness for both ON Battery and Plugged in the mood.