Asked By
Jake Ross
220 points
Posted on - 06/29/2011
I am creating an Inventory System that will be submitted at the end of the semester. This system will summarized all the transactions that have been made by the user on how many is left, how many has been used etc. for a certain item. To generate a report I used Data Report and Data Environment to connect my database with it. But I am having a problem whenever I did some updates to my records the data in Data Report is not being updated. I need to restart the program again in order to update the records. Can anyone assist me with this one?
How do I generate report in VB6?
What you are going to do is to set the Data Report source directly to the database. If you are using an ADO, your code must be similar to this:
Under General Declaration of the Form or you can put this in Module so you can access the database without setting up another connection.
Codes in Module
   Public conn As New ADODB.Connection
   Public rec as New ADODB.Recordset
Create a Function for the connection of database
   Public Function dbconnection() As String
   Dbconnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "YourDataBase.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
   End Function
   Setting up the source of DataReport
   Put this code under the print button
If rec.State = 1 Then  ‘Check first if the database is open
End if
rec.Open dbconnection ‘Opens the connection string
           Set rec = conn.Execute(("Select * From [YourTableName]")
           Set DataReport1.DataSource = rec ‘defining the source of DataReport
If your are using ADODC or DAO its just similar on the above codes. You can also specify what tables to be shown in Data Report.
Answered By
0 points
How do I generate report in VB6?
It's simple work. No matter which reporting tools you are using. Whenever you make update you need to save those changes. If you want to keep the updated and view updated report you need to restart the program of refresh the program.
To refresh the program you need to add a simple code like this:
If rec.State = 1 Then  ‘if the database is open
End if
rec.Open dbconnection ‘Opens the connection string
           Set rec = conn.Execute(("Select * From [UsingTableName]")
           Set DataReport1.DataSource = rec ‘the source of DataReport
Wish it will help you to resolve your problem. Do you have any farther quarry regarding this.