How do I install oracle 9i client 32bit solaris environment?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

How do I install an Oracle 9i client 32 bit Solaris environment?  I have Oracle 9i (9.2.0) but I don't know how to install it on Sun Solaris SPARC environment.  Do I need Sun Studio for the install?  Need step by step installation process and configuration.  Thanks.

Best Answer by Joseph A Reese
Answered By 0 points N/A #171162

How do I install oracle 9i client 32bit solaris environment?


1. Insert the CD ROM that has the client package.

2. Log in as the root user.

3. Enter Smitty install.

4. Click on the "Install and Update Software".

5. Then click on the "Install and Update from Latest Available Source".

6. Write /dev/cd0 for the INPUT device/ directory for software.

7. Mention the SOFTWARE to install option. Choose F4 to the lists available. Then select 4 packages and press ENTER. Then click on the "Install and Update from Latest Software Available".

8. Click "Are You Sure" to continue the installation.

9. After completing installation, press F10 to exit Smitty install environment.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #171160

How do I install oracle 9i client 32bit solaris environment?



To install oracle to your Sun Solaris Operating system, follow the procedure below:

1. you have to log in as root, then check the minimum hardware and software requirement,  after that you have to create required OS group Ana user.

2. Then create an Oracle base directory and then configure the oracle user’s environment.

3. Then you have to mount the product disc and install the oracle database client.  

4. Familiar with the release, log in to oracle enterprise manager database from your browser.

5. Log in with the user name SUS and connect as SYSDBA with your specific password.

6. That’s how you can install and configure your oracle product in the Solaris environment.

For more please go to this link:

Good Luck.

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