I have been using RoboForm for my password needs on Windows XP 64 bit and Mozilla Firefox 20.0.1 system. I am now on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Firefox 20.0.1. How do I install RoboForm for Ubuntu? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.
How do I install RoboForm for Ubuntu?
For Linux users RoboForm offers an Java based web browser extension. This extension works as password manager and one-click form web filter. On the RoboForm web site it is located under Platforms tag in category Linux. Supported browsers are Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera.
Here are links to download it
1) Mozilla Firefox extension
2) Google Chrome extension
3) Opera web browser extension
Also you can use the Bookmarklet function. To use it you have to create an online account on this web form. When you have your account created just sync your passwords and go back to the RoboForm web site and drag the RoboForm link to your toolbar. When you need to use RoboForm simply click on the icon on your toolbar.
Queen Norman