How do I make changes in a Static Site?

For static website, you edit pages by Adobe Dreamweaver, Notepad, Notepad++, Microsoft Expression web 4 etc. Before that you need to download your desire pages from server by FTP client software and you need to basic idea about HTML codes, PHP, java. If you can develop your site by WordPress or Joomla you have content management system (CMS).
A content management system (CMS) is one computer system allowing sending, editing, and also modifying content with site maintenance from central pages. This has lots features including one plug-in architecture and a template system. WordPress is still the latest CMS utilized on the Internet. It is easy to use and you can make your site dynamic any time. Because it is based on PHP and MySQL
Yes, the post above is true. To update a website, you should first know how to code even simple HTML tags, JavaScript, and especially the Cascading Style Sheet or CSS which is the one responsible for making or adding visual effects on to your web page. If you don’t know how to code an HTML page or simple HTML tags, you can always use an HTML template.
Using a template on a website makes it easier for you and lifts the burden of creating an HTML page that will be used for your website. This is a ready-made web page where you only need to change a couple of links and codes from the template itself to finally make it work on your website. But even if this is the easiest way of creating a web page, this too, requires knowledge about HTML tags, as well as JavaScript.