Hi guys. What I wish to do is to wake up a PC on my network by pinging it on a LAN command. Can someone please help me with ping wakeup on LAN command? Do I just do this on the command prompt? I'm on a Windows 7 64 bit platform. Thanks in advance.
How do I ping wakeup on LAN command?
The Wake-on-LAN trick that allows a computer to be woken up by a network message (magic packet) is very simple.
1. The to wake up must have a network card which can handle Wake-on-Line.
2. Verify that the option is enabled on the list of the network adapter property.
You said that you have Windows 7,so you have to explore Device Manager by hitting Start Menu and writing “devmgmt.msc”, and press Enter.
Locate the network adapter which links to the LAN under the section Network Adapters , click by the right button on it and hit Properties.
Verify that the property Wake on Magic Packet (you find it in the Advanced tab ) is Enabled.

Then verify all features in Power Management tab are all activated.

In some cases, you just have to verify the Wake-on-LAN option is turned on in BIOS.
Of course, you have to recognize the physical address of the PC you wish to wake up.
You can utilize a PowerShell script (which is not evident for beginners) or a free portable tool from https://www.depicus.com/wake-on-lan/wake-on-lan-gui that basically does only one thing, wakes your computer up on LAN.