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Posted on - 08/05/2016
An search bar has all of a sudden started appearing on my browser even when I’ve made Google Chrome as my default search engine. I have looked for every add-on, but has been found nowhere. Please help me get rid of it, guide me on how do I remove Ask search engine?
How Do I Remove Ask Search Engine From Windows 7 OS?
It may be the case that the software was installed on your PC. To uninstall:
• Go to Control Panel from the Start button.
• Click on Programs > Uninstall a Program
• Search for a program named ‘Ask Toolbar’ with an ask logo.
• Click uninstall, and then Continue to get rid of the program.
Secondly, if it is appearing on your browser every time instead of Chrome, try this method:
• Launch the Google Chrome, and then go to the menu on the right top corner.
• Select the Settings option from the sub-menu
• Click on the extension on the left-hand side of the window.
• Deselect the Enabled option, and click on the Recycle bin icon to remove it permanently.

• Again, go to the Chrome Settings.
• Find Manager Search buttons under Search.
• Select Google from the given list, and then click on Make Default button.
Google will get set as your default search engine.