How do i remove this recycler in my flash disk:

Asked By 230 points N/A Posted on -

I have this Sony 2 GB flash disk and it has this folder called the 'RECYCLER'.

Every time I transfer some files especially folders into the flash disk the don't open. I have tried to scan this flash disk so many times but nothing seems to be happening!

What will I do to remove this thing?

Best Answer by dorra
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Answered By 0 points N/A #86125

How do i remove this recycler in my flash disk:


Hey! Kioko Victor.

This problem is not that big. This problem could arise because normally we use our flash drives on other PC's to get the required data.

Actually the problem will arise by injecting the flash drive to other PC's because we do not know whether the PC we are using are safe from viruses or not, while using that PC viruses could attack your flash drive.

Solution: You only need to Format your Flash Drive completely.


Answered By 0 points N/A #86126

How do i remove this recycler in my flash disk:


Hello Kico_Victor,

The problem which you mentioned actually arises when a PC is infected with virus.

To get rid of this problem you may install an Updated Antivirus software and run a complete system scan.

Then plug in the flash drive and format it. If it still remains, then you should re install the operating system.

Installing the operating system you got to install an Updated Antivirus and do the same this again (scan and format flash drive).

Remember don’t explore any drives before you install the Antivirus and run the scansion. I can guarantee you that in this way your problem will be 100% solved.

For good Antivirus, I recommend you to use Avira free anti virus. 

Have a nice day buddy.

Answered By 0 points N/A #86128

How do i remove this recycler in my flash disk:


That is a stubborn virus in your flash disk. if it has eaten everything in it, please do this:-

Format it using advanced way. Open up command prompt. Type in 'format followed by the disks denoting letter eg E,F, G followed by :' then press enter. you will be prompted to dismount forcefully if the bug is a real stubborn one.

Click enter; and there you will have your flush formatted. Type 'exit' and press enter and the program will close up. Your disk will be ready for use.

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