How do I run wmv file on PC with vbscript? I would like to create a wmv playlist in the script then have it automatically shut down the PC when it completes. My desktop runs on Windows XP 64 bit. Thanks in advance.
How do I run wmv file on pc with vbscript?
Greetings Sharipcheney!
Here's how to create a vbscript to run a playlist and then shutdown the computer.
First the code to run the playlist in your computer.
Here's the code:
set shell = Wscript.createobject("wscript.Shell") "wmplayer /playlist xps", 7, False   Â
wscript.Sleep 5000Â Â Â Â
success = shell.appactivate("Windows Media Player")
if success then shell.sendkeys "% n
This code is use to play the playlist in windows media player.
Now you will add the code to shutdown the computer. "shutdown -s -t 0 -f -m \" & "."'
Visit this link for some example.
Best Regards,
Jose D Dunn