How Do I Solve The 507:507 Issue In Adobe Acrobat?

I am getting a 507:507 error when I am trying to open a PDF using Adobe. I am unable to solve the issue. Can someone help me to solve the problem?

I am getting a 507:507 error when I am trying to open a PDF using Adobe. I am unable to solve the issue. Can someone help me to solve the problem?
I can suggest a few ways to solve the 507:507 problem in Adobe Acrobat.
Method 1
a. Press Shift + Alt + Delete on your keyboard.
b. Open the Task Manager.
c. All the running processes are listed here.
d. Click on all the Adobe Acrobat application.
e. Click on End task.
f. Click on all the applications that are not in use.
g. Click on End task.
h. Try to open your PDF.
Method 2
a. Open Adobe from the Application shortcut.
b. In the menu bar, open Edit.
c. Go to Preferences.
d. Open General/ Security-Enhanced Option.
e. Untick – “Enable Protected Mode at startup.”
f. Close your application.
g. Open PDF.
h. Tick the General/ Security-Enhanced Option once your work is done.
If the above methods fail, open your PDF using a browser.
Method 3
a. Select your file.
b. Right-click on your file.
c. Open with -> Select a browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.)