How do I stop warning message in Mac?
1. Launch Mac Terminal and type the following command:
Defaults write com. Apple. LaunchServices LSQuarantine -bool NO
2. Reboot (killing the Finder should work as well) for the changes take effect. To reverse this and get the message back, just type:
Defaults write com. Apple. LaunchServices LSQuarantine -bool YES
Now, reboot again (or kill the Finder) to have the changes back.
How do I stop warning message in Mac?
Hello Lockered,
We usually encounter this warning message whenever we download an application on the internet and open it for the first time.
To disable this warning message, navigate to Onyx. (If you haven't installed Onyx yet, go to this link and download and install it->
After Navigating to Onyx, click the "Parameters" Icon and then Click on the "General" Tab.
Under the "Misc. Options", uncheck the “Remove the alert message on first launching applications downloaded from the Internet”
Then you are good to go.