Hey! Flickr has been my favorite in sharing and viewing images on the web. It has been very useful for my websites as well. I got a message in my email about qnap flickr nas saying that it is a very secure way of sharing copyrighted images. I tried to figure it out on my own but found it a bit complicated. Any idea how to go about it and how to handle some common errors? Any ideas will be appreciated.
How do I use qnap flickr in sharing images securely?
You don't need to worry about security, since Flickr is a global company which needs to ensure maximum security for its users. Every image on Flickr is protected by copyright law, so if anyone tries to do something wrong with your pictures he or she will be sued. Also, you can find the complete copyright license on the Flickr web page. I hope I helped. Regards.
How do I use qnap flickr in sharing images securely?
QNAP NAS is great for storing your files, since it has backup files features that provides a large storage capacity and it is known for its exceptional file transfer features. In NMP-1000_TS-110 a QNAP TURBO NAS Combo, you can access Flickr photos and can be viewed on high resolution screen TV or as a slideshow. It has also had an advance RAID protection for your data, to keep it safe and secure. Turbo Nas has built-in FTP server function so you can enable FTP via a web management & configure the settings interface. If you want to set up your own FTP server you can actually inquire on about QNAP tutorial or look also for Owncloud software it has the same features as Dropbox, that can connect to FTP server & Google drive. To make sure your valuable data are well stored, there is also a QNAP uses MyCloudNas Services, it has backup utility Netbak Replicator 4, to help you back up files from Windows PC disk drives, pictures, documents, videos, or multiple QNAP Nas on the network.