How do we connect the Wii to get internet access

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

My sister got a new Wii system for her birthday and she wants to play with her friends online. How do we connect the Wii to get internet access so she could do her thing? Please help!

Best Answer by Talatraja
Answered By 0 points N/A #124343

How do we connect the Wii to get internet access

Steps on how to connect your Wii to the Internet:
(i) Switch on your Wii console and press the A Button on the Wii Remote to reach the Wii main menu. Use the Remote to select the "Wii" button.
(ii) Select "Wii Settings" to access the "Wii System Settings" menu.
(iii) Using the arrow on the right side of the screen, scroll to page two and select "Internet."
(iv) Select "Connection 1: None".
(If you Don't see "None" in Connection 1? Click the Connection 1 button, then choose "Clear Settings.")
(v) Click on "Wireless Connection" and then "Search for an Access Point."
(vi) Select "OK" and the Wii will display all the wireless networks it finds.
(vii) Select the wireless network that is yours.
(viii) Select "OK," "Save Settings," and then "Yes."
The Wii console will run a connection test with your wireless network when the test is completed. As long as you see the connection test was successful – Then you're almost done!
Answered By 0 points N/A #124344

How do we connect the Wii to get internet access

Wii is a video game box or console with a remote pointing device. You need to connect your Wii to a wireless router who is then connected the internet through a provider: DSL or Cable.
When all is connected start your Internet router, television and Wii:
Main menu: Click on ‘Wii’ button.
Wii menu: Click on ‘Wii Settings’ button.
Wii Settings menu: Click on ‘2 page’ button.
Wii Settings menu, 2 pages: Click on ‘Internet’ button.
Internet menu: Click on ‘Connection Settings’ button.
Connection Settings menu: Click on ‘Wireless connection’ and click on ‘Search for an Access Point’.
When the access point appears click on ‘OK’ button.
Access point menu: Select and click on your access name on the list.
Security key menu: Click on the entry field and the keyboard pops up. Enter your password and click the ‘OK’ button.
You return to the security menu: Click ‘OK’ once more.
Test the connection by clicking ‘OK’ again.
If asked for a system update click on ‘Yes’ button.
Then update is done click on ‘OK’ button.
Main menu: Select ‘Wii Shop channel and download the Internet channel.
Enter your friends codes and play.
Answered By 0 points N/A #124345

How do we connect the Wii to get internet access



In order to connect the Wii console to the internet and be able to play online you will need to verify some important factor first of which is to determine that you have a working internet connection, if you do then proceed to the following instructions:
1. Firstly in order to set up your connection we need to determine your connection type weather it is WIRELESS or WIRED.
a. To use a wired connection you will need to have a Wii LAN Adapter which is sold separately from the console itself, after acquiring this use it to connect your Wii to your router then go to step b.
b. On your Wii main interface select —
1. Wii Options then,
2. Wii Settings then,
3. Click on the arrow pointing right to see other screen options then,
4. Select internet—-then connection settings—then connection 1,
5. Then select Wired connection you will see "Initiating connection test" press ok,
6. You will see "–Testing connection–" once done properly it will then display",
The connection test was successful. Perform a Wii system update now?
At this point select yes,though an update is optional it is recommended that you do update to improve the security and stability of your console. Read the notice and proceed accordingly.
7. After the update completes that its. Enjoy playing your Wii console online.
a. To use wireless connection: Verify that you have an active WiFi signal first then proceed
b. On your Wii main interface select –
1. Wii Options then,
2. Wii Settings then,
3. Click on the arrow pointing right to see other screen options then,
4. Select internet—-then connection settings—then connection 1,
5. Then select a Wireless connection,
6. Then select “Search for an Access Point" then choose to access point you want to connect to,
7. From the list select your connection or the one you wish to use–enter the password if the network is locked.
Then save the settings by clicking ok -"Connection settings have been saved choose ok to start a connection test".
8. You will see "–Testing connection–" once done properly it will then display".
The connection test was successful. Perform a Wii system update now? At this point select yes, though an update is optional it is recommended that you do update to improve the security and stability of your console. Read the notice and proceed accordingly. Select OK to return to the Wii menu.
9. After the update completes that its! Enjoy playing your Wii console online!
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #124346

How do we connect the Wii to get internet access


Hi Gulajila,

You have to go through some simple steps that will connect your sister’s Wii to the Internet . Here are the steps you must follow to get connected and I have also uploaded images that will make it more easy for you understand. So lets get started:
1. First of all Power on your Wii console and press the A Button on the Wii Remote to reach the Wii main menu. Use the Wii Remote to select the "Wii" button.
wii button

2. Now you have to select "Wii Settings" to access the "Wii System Settings" menu.

Wii Settings

3. Using the arrow on the right side of the screen, scroll to page two and select "Internet."

scroll to page two and select "Internet

4. Now Select "Connection 1: None".

Connection 1: None
(If you Don't see "None" in Connection 1, Simply Click the Connection 1 button, then choose "Clear Settings.")
5. Click on "Wireless Connection" and then "Search for an Access Point."
Wireless Connection" and"Search for an Access Point
(In case you are using a wire connection to your Wii console, you can connect the Wii console to the Internet using the Wii LAN Adapter (sold separately).This device plugs into the Wii console's USB port, and allows you to connect your wired router directly to the Wii Console with an ethernet cable. And one more thing Non-Nintendo manufactured USB LAN adapters will not work with the Wii console system).
6. Select "OK" and the Wii will display all the wireless networks it finds.
wireless networks
7. Select the wireless network that is yours.
If it prompted "Enter the Password or Key," then the wireless network you are trying to connect to has wireless security turned on. You will need to type in your security key or password and select "OK."
Enter the Password or Key
8. Select "OK," now "Save Settings," and then "Yes."
The Wii console will now run a connection test with your wireless network when the test is completed. You should see the following screen:
wii connection test console
As long as you see "The connection test was successful," the "Wii Support Code" does not matter and can be ignored.
In case your connection test was not successful , you will receive an error code.
Error Code 51330 or 52130: This means the security code you entered into the Wii is not the same one your router is set to. Don't worry just look at your router's settings and try again. Forward that refer step 7.
Now your connection ready to use and hope that will solve your problem.


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