How do you check your systems hardware?

I need to check my computers hardware, like all of its components and drivers. I need this info so I can reformat my PC

I need to check my computers hardware, like all of its components and drivers. I need this info so I can reformat my PC
    The best way to check all your hardware components is by going in to the device manager .The navigation for device manager is different for different operating systems.
In windows all the versions expect windows 7 : Go to start menu < my computer < right click on mycomputer icon < manage <computer management . In computer management window you can find device manager on your right side if you click on it you can see all the hardware components and drivers
In windows 7 all versions : You can go to device manager from control panel or from computer management utility or type
 devmgmt.msc in the run command this is the easy method of opening the device manager in all windows 7 versions
Hello Jennings.
Here are some applications that will show you what components you have installed on your computer:
1. PC-Wizard from CPUID ( Shows you detailed info on what hardware and software you have installed on your computer. It even has benchmarks.
2. Speccy from Piriform ( Speccy has a nice user interface. Constant updates assure you that it supports all of the latest hardware.
3. Belarc Advisor. Is useful for PC auditing. You need to run it once and it will generate a detailed report of your PC hardware and software. It even lets you know if you have all the hotfixes of Windows. It reports what hardware you have and the drivers that are installed.