How Do You Log Into Your Router Using IP Address

To make your wi-fi private and protected, you need to change the default password of your router. The basic step is to login into your router. how do you log into your router?

To make your wi-fi private and protected, you need to change the default password of your router. The basic step is to login into your router. how do you log into your router?
Sometimes a need arises to login into your wireless router, either for wireless network adjustments or for firmware updates. The thing that is must is the IP address of your router.
Most of the routers have a web-based configuration.For accessing your router’s web-based interface,you require the IP address.
There are ways to find the IP. Following are some of them:
1) Using cmd
1) On your keyboard, press the Windows key along with the letter R.
2) Run window will open up.Type cmd and select OK. If this does not work, go to start menu search bar and type cmd. Press enter.
3) Type ‘ipconfig’ and press enter. Search for default gateway line. It shows the IP address.
4) Go to the browser, paste this IP address on the address bar. Login page of your router will appear.
5) You need to write the username and password which is usually default. To find your router’s the default password you can go to the following link:
2) Through control panelÂ
1) Go to control panel and then to Network and sharing center.
2) Click on your net connection name. And then select details.
3) Search for the IPv4 default gateway. It gives the IP address of the router.
4) Paste this IP in web address bar. The page will redirect to your router’s login page.
5) Type your username and passwordwhich is usually the default. To find your router’s default password you can go to the following