How do you remove SQL injections and guard against them?

How do you remove SQL injections and guard against them? My antivirus detected one. Now my computer runs slow so I want to know what went wrong.

How do you remove SQL injections and guard against them? My antivirus detected one. Now my computer runs slow so I want to know what went wrong.
Sometimes, New Programmers/developers input wrong data in MySQL database. This may cause security issues. This security issue also widely known as “SQL Injection”.
The SQL-injection appears when someone inputs a MySQL command-line to access the database without proper authority or Admin’s Knowledge. In precisely, Injection is generated when someone tries access and search other people’s name/ID instead of assigned ID.
If someone has proper authority and still having SQL injection problem then, he should do the following work:
If any Cyberpunk manages to access your Database, he can delete the entire database just using the DELETE command. So, take this problem as AAA category and take all the necessary prevention.
Crawly Math.