How does HTTP process per transaction?

The web is a protocol that uses internet as a communication structure based on HTTP. How does HTTP process per transaction? Is there any side effect of HTTP transfers?

The web is a protocol that uses internet as a communication structure based on HTTP. How does HTTP process per transaction? Is there any side effect of HTTP transfers?
Hypertext Transfer Protocol used when accessing large numbers of text, pictures and video stored on a Webserver going into your computer. This allows your browser to communicate to the Internet, gets what your looking for – then display this in the form of HTTP.
Websites uses HTTP:// to begin their web address on the Internet. You will then research in the form of URL – Universal Resource Locator. You'll request the data to be displayed in your computer from the Internet and will be sent back the information into your computer once the data is located in the Webserver.
HTTP is like a pathway of a specific location to allows you to get a pass once you requested to use this highway. In the early days, HTTP must be use to locate the web address and must type this at the beginning then the complete URL. You must type http:// in your keyboard to perform the web research but today, most companies drop this idea because of a certain complication when typing those commands.
Hi Sarah,
Hyper Text Transmission Protocol transaction involves processes that ensure that a client who in this case is a person's computer trying to connect to a certain website establishes a connection with the server. The server accepts the request for connection from the client. The server thereafter sends a response to the client either approving the connection status or declining it.
When the connection has been established, the client and the server can now be able to exchange information between one another.
For a more clear and detailed elaboration of the above process, visit the link below:
Hope this helps.
Lee Hung.