How Does Parallel Communication Occur in HPC Environments?

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I want to know how parallel communication is initiated in High Performance Computing (HPC) job executions. How is information transferred from one point to another so efficiently whereas in serial mode, information seems to slow down considerably? Can parallel computation be performed on a normal laptop and how will I have to configure the laptop to perform this kind of computation?

Answered By 590495 points N/A #189288

How Does Parallel Communication Occur in HPC Environments?


Parallel communication is a technique in computer science of transmitting multiple binary digits or bits all at the same time. It is the opposite of serial communication which transmits binary digits or bits one at a time. This difference is one way of differentiating a communications link. Parallel communication is the method of transferring blocks of data simultaneously. This method of communication is faster than serial communication.

Because of this, the internal or inner connections in a computer, like the buses, are linked together to permit parallel communication. On the other hand, the application of parallel communication for longer distance data communication is not practical in terms of practical and economic reasons because of the amount of extra cable that will be required for example, and the complexity of synchronization.

That’s why serial connection or serial communication is applied for long distance data communications.

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