How does PR work in Google

Experts, How does PR work in Google Is there a standard algorithm that it follows and we can know about it?

Experts, How does PR work in Google Is there a standard algorithm that it follows and we can know about it?
Page rank uses a linking analysis algorithm to know the page's importance, the algorithm that is used is being based on a web graph that is being created by World Wide Web and they have nodes and hyperlink edges.
And for you to have a higher rank voting is used. The process of voting is using hyperlinks it is dependent to the incoming links to your page. I will give you some link to furthermore understand page rank of Google. Good day
The algorithm used by the page rank system is
PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + … + PR(tn)/C(tn))
Google PR ( page rank ) is a important thing to a webmaster. Google determine the rank of a page by performing millions calculation. Google use near 200 algorithm to perform ranking a page. However Google change their algorithm time to time. And again Google do not provide any algorithm or clue to others or webmasters. Rather than Google provide some tips to make a nice and search engine friendly websites.
The more Google page rank has a website the more chance to appear first in the search results.
Now some things that Google follow to count a page rank : Google count backlinks located some other websites related to yours. And these backlinks containing webpage's value are important.
So these page should be famous. Again Google count social likes and shares. And again Google count the votes. If a visitor come from another website to your's,your page will get a vote. For more information please use Google webmaster tools and guide.