How does Unordered list work
What is the Unordered List?
How does it work? Where does it use?
Please tell me about details.
Is Unordered List important to web page?
What is the Unordered List?
How does it work? Where does it use?
Please tell me about details.
Is Unordered List important to web page?
An Unordered list is a list of items shown in a web page by without number sequel.
There are most familiar term is bulleted list.
Bulleted list is usually used for the display such items as featured items, product list.
<li>First list item. </li>
<li>Second list item.</li>
<li>Third list item. </li>
You can use the above code for your web page.
Hi Michele,
Unordered list is used by web designers or an individual with knowledge in HyperText Markup Language or ​CSS Tutorial.
It is simply a property on how to put list on a web page without a sequence.
Some are in basic forms like bullets and others may design it to look fancy like creating their own gif or image as bullets.
In HTML it is coded this way:
<li> Apples </li>
<li> Banana </li>
<li> Orange </li>
In CSS it is coded in this manner:
ul {
list-style-type: <list-style-type>;
The list-style-type will indicate the style of bullet to be used, for example as shown below:
list-style-type: circle;
This means that you are using a hollow circle.
The default setting is usually 'disc' which is a filled circle.