How dose work cat command in Linux OS?

Hi Riley,
This is an interesting question.
Cat command is a very powerful command in Linux OS, this is the very beginning level command in Linux.
Cat command is used for reading text file.
You need add |less after the cat command then you can scroll your file.
Example: #cat [file name] | less
Britnu Salu
Cat is one of the most frequently used command on Linux operating system.
It is used to display contents of files.
Syntax : $cat /Directory/file
It is also used to concatenate file which means create new file by combining the contents of the initial files.
The original files will not be modified or deleted.
Syntax : $cat file1 file2
Cat has many options and the one you need it to display all the pages is -v .
so you should do it like this $cat – v your file