Kindly help me with your expert advice on how to install Paraview on Windows. I have tried several times to install this visualization software on a Windows operating system and configure it to process 3D images but unfortunately it has proven to be an unsuccessful venture. Could you please help me with some guidelines on how I can install and configure Paraview for a Windows machine? How do I read in a 3D data? Which file formats are acceptable in Paraview and how do I import them?
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How to Download, Install, Configure and Use Paraview on Windows
ParaView is quite a good open-source data analyzing and visualization application. Windows, on the other hand, the most popular OS all over the world. In order to make this application available for Windows users, ParaView officially releases binary for Windows.
Download ParaView for Windows. It’s recommended to download the EXE installer file from their site.
It’s as normal as running other application on Windows. Just run the installer, it’ll create Start menu shortcut to run the application. Start the program and let your joy begin.
For documentation, you can contact their official documentation page.