How to download prayerlist template?

How to download prayerlist template?I need a sample template for a reference for my project. I need a soft copy of prayerlist template. Can you help me regarding this matter? Give some ideas.

How to download prayerlist template?I need a sample template for a reference for my project. I need a soft copy of prayerlist template. Can you help me regarding this matter? Give some ideas.
Good day!
There are many available free prayer list templates online. You may download one from the link below. It is in document form, you just have to click the link and on the page click the download button.
Also, you might want to try visiting a website that gives a guide on how to approach prayer. It gives a good advice on how to pray and it also includes a prayer list template which I have already attached in this post. You may visit the website by clicking the link below.
Hope this helps. Good luck!