How to download slideshow marquee stop?
Is there a way I can get a free download for sample codes?
I am doing some research about html codes and as well as connecting it to the PHP but I am still in the process of website beautification and I want to download some sample codes regarding this matter.
Thank you.
How to download slideshow marquee stop?
Hello Christine Yong,
You want to beautify your website by html code. Now you are trying about marquee slideshow.
Here you will know about how to stop marquee slide. The marquee code is <marquee width="275"> slide show here </marquee>.
You can use attribute which is onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()".
More information will get from below link http://soft.udm4.com/downloading/slideshow_marquee_stop/.
How to download slideshow marquee stop?
Hi Christine,
You may want to visit this site http://www.ajaxslideshow.com/marquee-codes-slideshow.
You can download their the marquee codes slideshow and it will show you the step by step process on how to use it.
It is a free slideshow software that will help you generate a great slideshow.
Hope this helps.