How to draw uml diagrams quiz system

Hi guys,
I want to build a quiz system for my little boy homework, and the teacher requires using uml diagrams. Which application can I use and how to use it to draw uml diagrams quiz system?

Hi guys,
I want to build a quiz system for my little boy homework, and the teacher requires using uml diagrams. Which application can I use and how to use it to draw uml diagrams quiz system?
 There are so many tools available in market where using them you can easily draw UML diagrams.
I am listing few of them here:
1]UML Diagrams Tool By visual paradigm
2] Online UML diagram by gliffy
3] UML by diagramming
4] Eclipse also provide this facility
5] UML 2.0 tool
These are few tools available in market.
Hi Buckmaster Pulse,
I have an application to create UML diagrams. It really works to create your desired diagram using a quiz system. I suggest you use EDraw Soft Diagrammer 2.5 and EventStudio Sequence Diagram Designer 2.5 software. Both are so useful for creating diagrams, and you can also use them to read the diagram attached.
Maxwell Mark